Q1 2024: Key investment decisions in a challenging quarter. "Despite more challenges than usual during the quarter, we have been able to maintain production well, especially in Business Area Mines. In addition, we have also made several decisions to future-proof both Rönnskär and the Boliden Area" - Mikael Staffas, President and CEO.
Enstaka kapitel från Års- och hållbarhetsredovisning återfinns nedan. VD har ordet. Boliden och omvärlden. En hållbar investering. Mål och resultat. Affärsmodell. Intjäningsmodell. Miljö, socialt ansvar och bolagsstyrning (ESG …
211;The Boliden Area. In the Boliden Area, a new Mineral Resource is added in Strömfors. In addition, parts of Rävliden have been converted to Mineral Reserve. This means for the entire area that both Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves increase by 4 and 9 percent respectively. In , 1.6 Mtons were mined and milled.
Boliden''s financing. As the internal bank of Boliden Group, Boliden’s Group Treasury has, amongst other things, the Group responsibility for funding, interest bearing debts and assets, currencies, rates, financial metals transactions and the financial payment structure. Boliden has a long-term view on financing, reflecting the nature of its
Boliden''s capital market update: Investment in new tank house at
March 18, 2024. Boliden has decided to invest in a new tank house at Rönnskär. The investment, which totals SEK 4.8 billion, means that production of copper cathodes as well as precious metals will gradually increase to full capacity during the second half of 2026. In parallel, further investments are being presented today, including extended
Boliden Harjavalta is located in south west Finland, close to the port on the Baltic Sea. The smelter’s main products are copper, nickel, gold and silver, as well as by-products such as sulphuric acid. Boliden Harjavalta is unique – our smelter is the only nickel smelter in Western Europe. At the smelter, nickel matte is produced in one
Silver, USD/oz. Metallpriserna baseras på prisinformation från London Metal Exchange (LME) och Investis Digital. Enligt LME:s bestämmelser för publicering av marknadspriser anges andra ringens stängningspriser för zink, koppar, nickel och bly. Priser för guld och silver är fördröjda cirka 30 minuter. Angivna tider är lokal (svensk
Kesäkuusta 2016 lähtien Kevitsan kaivos on kuulunut Boliden-konserniin, joka on Euroopan johtavia metallintuottajayrityksiä. Boliden Kevitsa on yksi merkittävimmistä teollisista työnantajista Sodankylässä kautta historian. Kaivoksen myötä alueelle syntyi runsaasti työpaikkoja. Tuotannon käynnistyessä kaivos työllisti noin 100
20101221;Aitik is one of Boliden''s four mining areas and Sweden''s largest mine. The open pit is 3 km long and 405 m deep. According to the 2009 ore reserve …
Underground storage. Boliden develops its own methods for waste disposal. The smelting plant at Odda disposes waste in an underground cavity and Rönnskär is building a unique storage around 350 metres underground that will begin use during . Underground storage is a long-term, sustainable solution for final disposal of smelter waste.
211;The Boliden Area. In the Boliden Area, a new Mineral Resource is added in Strömfors. In addition, parts of Rävliden have been converted to Mineral Reserve. This …
Boliden launches electric mine-truck pilot project in Aitik
222;Boliden has initiated a pilot and demonstration project for the electrification of in-pit truck transports in Aitik – Sweden’s largest open pit copper mine – together with key partners in industry and academia. The project will develop, install and operate an electric transport route with electric trolley lines and four electric mine trucks.
Invitation presentation of Boliden''s Q1 2024 report | Boliden
April 9, 2024. Boliden will announce its Interim Report for the first quarter 2024 on Tuesday 23 April at 07:45 (CEST). A press and analyst conference will be held on the same day at 09:00, which can be followed via webcast and telephone. The report will be presented by Boliden''s President and CEO Mikael Staffas, and CFO Håkan Gabrielsson.
The dividend amount adjusted for share issues, splits, and redemptions. Example: In 2006, a dividend of 10 (in the given currency) per share was given. In 2010, a split was declared that gives shareholders two new shares for one old. The dividend of 10 in 2006 is recalculated, considering that the shareholders now have twice as many shares as
Muutama vuosi myöhemmin Irlannista löydettiin Euroopan suurimmaksi osoittautunut sinkki-/lyijyesiintymä. 1976. Boliden hankki vuonna 1902 Kööpenhaminassa perustetun Paul Bergsö & Son A/S:n. Tuohon aikaan yritys kierrätti tinaa. Nykyään Boliden Bergsöe AB toimii Landskronassa kierrättäen auton akkujen sisältämää lyijyä.